How to reduce dependency on fossil fuels and establish green solutions for a sustainable future? The answer is, indeed, blowing in the wind. Windlife Green has been involved in harvesting wind energy since early days. Focused on identifying the best combination of energy potential and building costs, for developing on-grid and off-grid solutions in mostly remote locations.

Windlife invests in the development of small and large-scale wind farms, as well as combined wind and solar energy or wind-diesel hybrid developments.

Windlife develops both on-grid and off-grid wind energy projects in remote locations. We offer planned development of large wind farms and tailored solutions for hybrid power systems.

Windlife has a proven track record of successful wind energy projects. We are committed to identify opportunities and finding the best solutions while preserving the environment.

Windlife invests in the development of small and large-scale wind farms, as well as combined wind and solar energy or wind-diesel hybrid developments.

Windlife develops both on-grid and off-grid wind energy projects in remote locations. We offer planned development of large wind farms and tailored solutions for hybrid power systems.

Windlife has a proven track record of successful wind energy projects. We are committed to identify opportunities and finding the best solutions while preserving the environment.
Windlife Group was established in 2000, not coincidentally in the Netherlands. A small country that has learned to live with the threats and blessings of the harsh North Sea. For centuries, both water and winds have been the lifeline of Dutch society. Windlife Green takes this essential part of Dutch heritage to a whole new level of scale and ambition.
We are a global investor and developer of wind energy parks, stand-alone wind turbines and wind-diesel hybrid installations. Our aim is to produce a maximum yield for all stakeholders: maximum energy generation as well as a maximum return on investment. Therefore, we focus exclusively on locations with strong and constant winds, that allow for easy, low-cost building.
This is the essential combination that creates yield and ensures profitability. Windlife Green chooses not to be involved in wind parks at sea, simply because building costs and complications rule out our main aim. Besides developing new greenfield opportunities in selected parts of the world, we also acquire wind farms in all stages of development.
Since 2007, Windlife Group has dedicated substantial resources to the development of a 200 MW wind park on the Kola peninsula, 80 km east of the city of Murmansk in Russia. Windlife had recognised the potential of the project as early as 2001. The Kola peninsula is known for its exceptionally high wind speeds in a relatively mild arctic climate, thanks to the Atlantic Gulf Stream that ends there.
A feasibility study conducted in collaboration with local experts of the Kola Science Institute, turned out positive. In fact, with a wind yield comparable to those offshore in the North Sea, the area was defined as one of the most ‘wind rich’ regions of Europe. However, at the time there was no support mechanism in the Russian Federation and, due to the historically low energy prices, af first the project was not considered economically viable.
The tide turned after several years of lobbying with IFC/World Bank and adoption, in May 2013, by the Government of the Russian Federation of Decree 449; a capacity-based renewable energy support scheme. This opened the way for the OOO Windlife Kola Vetro LL1, Windlife’s 100% Russian Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), to become the leading developer of a 200 MW wind farm in the arctic area around Murmansk.
Windlife and the Kola project entered into a partnership with Italian energy giant Enel. Their bid to tender in May 2017 was awarded government support, based on a commercial operation date of no later than December 2021. This time span allowed for the designated OEM to start up a dedicated production line in the Russian Federation, in compliance with localisation rules. The persistence of Windlife, making slow progress –literally against the wind– for so many years, has been crucial to this success.
Windlife Group was founded in early 2000. The company’s initial activities included the sale of land holdings for wind energy parks in the Netherlands and securing financing for wind energy installations. Financial prudence has always been ingrained into the company. Drawing entirely on its own funds and internal financing, the company grew from one milestone to the other.
First land holdings sold to Delwind wind farm, the Netherlands.
Arrangement of roll-over loan and subsequent permanent financing facility for the construction of 62 2.5 MW Vestas turbines.
Development and installation of 4 Enercon 900 kW wind turbines next to the A7 motorway, near the city of Hoorn, the Netherlands.
Development and installation of 3 Powerwind 750 kW wind turbines near Liverpool,UK.